All entries must include

An elevator pitch: In 280 characters, tell us why you should win this award

A 500-word submission and/or two-minute video demonstrating why your firm should win, with clear evidence around how you, your firm or project performed demonstrably better than your peers during the awards year, including examples of key achievements, instruction wins, fee growth, innovation, key pieces of work that have come to fruition and senior appointments. Please also provide evidence that this growth is sustainable, evidence of financial success and client satisfaction that clearly demonstrates you are well positioned to succeed in the years ahead.

At least two client testimonials with a client e-mail contact for each for verification.

Supporting material: This should illustrate and support your main submission and must be limited to two sides of A4. Supporting material that exceeds this will not be passed to judges.

Business categories

The following categories require entrants to also include details around financial performance, key instructions, deals and milestones. Please clearly demonstrate your firm’s commercial performance, providing turnover growth, profit growth, market share, number of fee-earners, income per full time fee-earner, share price move etc. based on the two most recent financial years.

Real Estate Adviser Award

In partnership with

This category is for all UK real estate advisory businesses of any size. Firms will be judged on excellence of service, delivery and corporate best practice rather than volume of revenues and profit. Judges will be looking for businesses that can prove they have been market leaders during the period under review. Entries should clearly demonstrate strong financial performance, show key indicators of success and provide information on transformational deals or instructions during the review period. At least two client testimonials, with a client e-mail contact for verification for each, is essential to be considered for this category. Multi-disciplinary firms keen to showcase a particular advisory division, can and should, highlight specific wins and outperformance within that division.

UK Company Award

This category is open to all UK businesses operating in the real estate sphere. It is not sector-specific and invites entries from all businesses that are not considered advisory or legal (we encourage those firms to enter UK Adviser and/or Legal Team). To be eligible for this category, entrants must be UK registered. Judges will be looking for companies that can prove they have been market leaders throughout the period under review. Entries should clearly demonstrate robust financial performance and show clear indicators of success. Judges will also be looking for evidence of responsible business leadership and a clear focus on corporate best practice.

Global Company Award
in partnership with

This category is open to businesses operating in the real estate sphere that have a footprint in the UK and beyond. It is not sector specific and invites entries from all businesses that are not considered advisory or legal. Judges will be looking for companies that can prove they have been market leaders across numerous geographies throughout the period under review and have adapted to challenges to ensure their business has remained successful. Entries should clearly demonstrate robust financial performance and show clear indicators of success. Judges will also be looking for evidence of responsible business leadership and a clear focus on corporate best practice.

Legal Team Award

This category is open to real estate legal teams working on planning, transactions, investment, financing, development and construction, as well as in environment and regeneration. In particular, judges will be looking for firms that can demonstrate outstanding advice on major transformative deals; and those that can demonstrate a commitment to championing core values such as diversity, inclusivity and sustainability in their working practices. At least two client testimonials, with a client e-mail contact for verification for each, is essential to be considered for this category.

Sector categories

The following categories are focused on celebrating best practice in the sectors that are having the biggest influence across the built environment, from BTR, industrial & logistics, and specialist sectors such as hotels, care homes, life sciences and student housing.

BTR Specialist Award
in partnership with

This award is open to developers, investors, operators and managers of purpose-built rented residential assets that have been active during the awards year. Investors that are executing on long-terms strategies to deliver homes to the market, operators that are delivering schemes that meet the needs of current and future generations and innovators that are providing new solutions that seek to solve not only housing issues, but societal and environmental issues are all invited to enter this category. Entrants should be able to prove they have been a market leader during the year under review and have adapted to marketplace challenges to ensure their business or business unit has remained successful – or outperformed. Entries should clearly demonstrate strong financial performance, show key indicators of success and provide information on transformational deals or instructions during the review period. Judges will be looking for clear evidence of the success of investment and operational strategies with tangible outcomes highlighted in submissions.

Industrial & Logistics Specialist Award

This award is open to advisers, operators, investors and developers that have been active in the industrial and logistics sector during the awards year. Judges will be particularly focused on operational excellence, clear evidence of strong financials or market share and innovation within the business operation. Entrants to this category should be able to prove they have been a market leader during the year under review and have adapted to marketplace challenges to ensure their business or business unit has remained successful – or outperformed. Entries should clearly demonstrate strong financial performance, show key indicators of success and provide information on transformational deals or instructions during the review period. A strong story as to how and why your business has succeeded during the year under review, with evidence of key achievements and execution of strategy, will help judges selected the very best in the industrial and logistics sector for this award.

Alternatives Specialist Award

This award is open to advisers (businesses and teams) and property companies operating in the alternatives sector. EG will be looking for entries from those active in the life sciences, hotel, healthcare, student, retirement and data centre sectors. Entrants to this category should be able to prove they have been a market leader during the year under review and have adapted to the challenges or seized upon the marketplace opportunities to ensure their business or business unit has remained successful – or outperformed. Entries should clearly demonstrate strong financial performance, show key indicators of success and provide information on transformational deals or instructions during the review period.

Best Workplace Award

This award is open to advisers, occupiers, architects, designers and landlords that can provide solid evidence they have enabled the creation of the most functional and productive workplace in the UK.
In a period where our view of the workplace has shifted momentously, judges will be keen to see evidence of how office space has been adapted to meet the needs of more flexible workforce. Examples of how owners or operators have enabled workers to continue to operate in a hybrid function should be highlighted in any submission as should examples where owners, developers or advisers that can show activity during what has been a shifting period for workplaces. Entrants to this category should be able to prove they have been a market leader during the year under review and have adapted to the challenges in the marketplace to ensure their business or business unit has remained successful – or outperformed. Entries should clearly demonstrate strong financial performance, show key indicators of success and provide information on transformational deals or instructions during the review period. Joint entries in partnership with an adviser will be considered.

Public/Private Partnership Award

This award seeks to celebrate partnerships between the public and private sector that are delivering solutions through real estate. Partnerships should have been established during the year under review or have achieved a significant milestone during the review period. Judges will want to see evidence of success of the partnership, including financials. Innovative partnerships that are providing solutions to societal and environmental issues should also be highlighted. All submissions should be made by both partners.

People, place & purpose categories

Rising Star Award

For this category, you will be asked to provide:

  • Your CV
  • A submission no longer than 500 words and/or link to a two-minute video explaining why you think you should be one of EG’s 2024 Rising Stars
  • Maximum two pages of support material outlining key company/company growth information or supporting statistics, documentation, references, images or designs.

They can be traditionally trained or come from a non-property background, as long as they are making an impact on the industry right now. This award is open to everyone. Whether you are a digital disruptor, the outstanding up-and-coming dealmaker in your team, an entrepreneur or the next big thing in the agency world, we want you to enter this award and join our growing alumni of real estate’s future leaders.
Anyone shortlisted for this award will automatically become one of our 20243 Rising Stars and will be featured in EG magazine alongside some of their brightest peers.
This category is also open for nominations. Nominations should include a submission no longer than 500 words or a link to a two-minute video as to why you are nominating this individual for EG’s 2023 Rising Stars, with key examples of the impact they are already having on the industry.

Sustainability Award
In partnership with

This award is open to all companies active in the built environment, including agents, developers, investors and architects. Judges will be looking for clear, quantitative examples of improvements being taken by your business, through your business practices and, if relevant, across your portfolio, to improve sustainability. This should include measures being taken to reduce carbon emissions, energy use, waste, etc. Clear examples of how key milestones in your journey to net zero have been met should form part of your submission. Judges will be looking for measures implemented and their impact, not just future plans.

Social Impact Award

This award is open to all companies active in the built environment, including agents, developers, investors, lawyers, architects, local authorities, and industry bodies.
Judges will be looking for evidence of businesses integrating a positive impact on society into the way they do business.
This should include examples of working with communities to drive societal outcomes such as building community cohesion, alleviating homelessness, creating opportunities for economic growth, skills & learning, health, wellbeing & quality of life within local communities. It should explain the system used to recognise, manage and quantifiably measure attributable social benefits for people and communities.
Achieving social impact could come through community collaboration, partnership or investment. Entrants should make sure to provide evidence that they responded to local needs, have integrated social impact potential into decision making, are accountable for their contribution to social outcomes and whether outcomes will achieve a lasting impact. Judges will be looking for examples of initiatives with the potential for wider reverberations and a wider social impact. Pioneering ideas and methods that can be replicated and scaled across portfolios to increase social impact will be particularly powerful in judges’ deliberations.     

Employer Award

This award is open to all employers active in the built environment, from advisory practices to developers and investors, asset and fund managers and relevant public sector bodies. It seeks to celebrate businesses that both get the basics right and go the extra mile for their staff.
Judges will be looking for evidence of strong leadership, innovation and commitment to employee development. They will want to see evidence that employers are building a business for the future by focusing on their staff and demonstrating a commitment to championing core values such as diversity, inclusivity and sustainability in their working practices.
Specifically, they will want to see evidence of leadership, innovation and commitment in the following areas:

  • Staff retention and development
  • Employee engagement with corporate values and strategic goals
  • Wellbeing
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Creating a diverse workplace

Future of Real Estate Award
in partnership with

This award celebrates the individuals, the companies and the products that are doing more than ensuring their own success. The category is for those that are creating a solid future for the success of the real estate sector. Judges will be looking for clear evidence of business or individuals that are utilising new technologies, new methods or new ways of thinking or approaching business to deliver a real estate proposition for the future. A solid business plan with outlined indicators of success will enable judges to properly and effectively identify the future winners in the business of real estate. From developments in tech to the shifting nature of the built environment, from the race to embrace modern methods of construction to new ways to persuade the public how the industry can be a force for positive change, there is no shortage of potential candidates for this award. Nominations for this category are also welcome.

City of the Year Award

The City of the Year Award seeks to celebrate the UK’s cities and the work they are doing to create liveable, successful places. EG invites submissions for cities from any significant built environment players in those cities, from local authorities and city leadership. Judges will be looking for clear evidence of successful implementation of measures to create liveable and successful cities. Submissions should include examples of how cities have come together with the built environment to create places for a sustainable future. Key examples of solutions that have enabled your city to not just survive but thrive, creating homes to allow all people to live safely and happily, an economy that allows businesses to grow and develop and spaces that allow the planet to thrive, should be included in your submission. Showcasing work that is creating cities protected from environmental and societal crises, highlighting strong leadership and key actions that have enabled cities to grow, attract investment and deliver on the need for equality will help judges select EG’s City of the Year. Shortlisted cities will be featured in a special Leading Cities interview in EG.

Outstanding Individual Award

This award is open for nominations as well as submissions and seeks to celebrate an individual in the built environment who has had an outstanding impact on the sector. EG will be looking for an individual who has created amazing places, been involved in some of the most transformative deals or created real change across the industry. This could be a lifetime of work or an individual who has burst on to the scene but has already made a huge impact. All nominations or submissions for this award should include a 500-word testimonial highlighting the key achievements of this individual and what their impact on the industry has been.

Inclusive Design Award

Born out of our Future Leaders event, this is an award for any project, spanning any sector, that has been completed in the period under review where the entrant can demonstrate that inclusiveness was at the heart of the design and that the project is accessible and functional for everyone; integrating inclusive thinking within the design process from concept to completion. This award is to celebrate projects that take us beyond conventional checklists, templates and legal compliance. It’s addressing design which sees disability on a spectrum and embraces diversity of mind, body and space. Judges will be looking for projects that have embraced recent guidance such as PAS 6463 Design for the mind – Neurodiversity and the built environment – Guide (2022) & the RIBA Inclusive Design Overlay (2023).
Entrants are encouraged to watch EG Future Leaders Suzan Ucmaklioglu’s Separate is Not Equal and Isabelle Walters’ Inclusive not exclusive Ted-style talks to fully understand the important and purpose of this award

Deals categories

London Deal Award

The property industry continues to thrive on deals: eye-catching transactions that deliver results. This award celebrates the best of those deals.  It is open to investors, lenders, developers, advisers and occupiers. Corporate deals, including mergers and acquisitions among advisers and tech businesses are eligible. All deals should have been completed during the awards year. Judges will be looking for evidence of innovation and high returns, perhaps even of opening up a sector or a region for future growth. Deals should involve assets based in the UK, though global transactions undertaken by UK-based parties will also be considered. Corporate, investment and occupier deals from any property sector are eligible.

Regional Deal Award

The property industry continues to thrive on deals: eye-catching transactions that deliver results. This award celebrates the best of those deals.  It is open to investors, lenders, developers, advisers and occupiers. Corporate deals, including mergers and acquisitions among advisers and tech businesses are eligible. All deals should have been completed during the awards year. Judges will be looking for evidence of innovation and high returns, perhaps even of opening up a sector or a region for future growth. Deals should involve assets based in the UK, though global transactions undertaken by UK-based parties will also be considered. Corporate, investment and occupier deals from any property sector are eligible.

NEW** Campaign of the Year Award
in partnership with

New for 2024: EG is launching its Campaign of the Year Award. A fresh category which calls for examples of best practice in real estate marketing campaigns. We’ll be looking for campaigns delivered across digital, print and out-of-home media, showcasing building launches, investments, lettings and/or refurbishments, corporate branding, thought leadership, placemaking and more. Internal marketing campaigns will not be considered.
Submissions will be accepted by branding, PR and marketing agencies in partnership with their clients or direct from clients.
All entries must provide supporting evidence, including examples of the campaign and qualitative and quantitative metrics, and must be able to answer all of the following questions:

  • What were the strategic aims of the campaign?
  • Whate were the specific activities you undertook as part of the campaign?
  • What did these achieve?
  • What was your budget for the campaign?