15-minute cities: Connecting places to people

The concept of 15-minute cities has gained traction in places as diverse as Paris, Barcelona, Copenhagen and Melbourne. Advocates say this approach can create long-term economic growth for urban centres but critics fear it would widen inequalities in communities.

So what could this concept mean for the UK in terms of fairness, equality and levelling up? How can the UK embrace repurposing and retrofitting yet retain the historic and uniqueness of places? Join us at UK REiiF to hear what more can be done to increase collaboration between the public and private sectors to connect spaces to people, and establish healthier and happier places to live.

Join EG and Landsec as we delve into the concept of 15-minute cities and its potential to encourage economic growth.


Jennifer Daothong

Acting chief executive, Lewisham Council

Mike Hood

Chief executive, U+I, a Landsec company

Andreas Markides

Vice-chair, the Academy of Urbanism

Michelle Sacks

Deputy chief executive (growth), South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership

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