Cath Shaw
Deputy chief executive, Barnet Council
Shaw is deputy chief executive of Barnet Council. She is responsible for the council’s extensive housing and growth programme, environmental services and major commercial relationships. She is a director of the council’s joint venture company with Related Argent to deliver Brent Cross Town – a park town for future London including 6,700 new homes, 50 acres of green space, workspace for 25,000 people, three schools, a new station and other amenities and infrastructure. Shaw sits on the London Councils economy board and the new London Architecture sounding board, and chairs the West London Economy and Skills Directors Group. She joined Barnet in 2013 from Harlow Council, where she was assistant chief executive, responsible for growth and regeneration. Prior to that she was a senior civil servant, undertaking a variety of roles including as deputy director of the social exclusion unit responsible for children and young people’s issues. Shaw stepped down as a board member of the Peabody Trust in 2019 on completion of her maximum term of appointment, remaining on the development and Thamesmead committees until March 2022.